Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I read this on CNN today. I think it is good news and overdue news. I do believe many people will end up choosing more locally grown or manufactured items and it will make a lot of these producers and manufacturers tighten up on their food preparation.

Foods to get COOL: Country-of-origin labeling

WASHINGTON (AP) -- No more wondering where your hamburger came from, or where your lettuce and tomatoes were grown: Starting this week, shoppers will see lots more foods labeled with the country of origin.

It's a law years in the making but timely, as China's milk scandal and the recent salmonella-tainted Mexican peppers prompt growing concern over the safety of imported foods.

Still, hold the import-bashing: Numerous outbreaks in recent years have come from U.S.-produced foods, such as spinach grown in California.

Until now, shoppers have had little clue where many everyday foods -- meats, fresh fruits and vegetables, certain nuts -- originate. That's what the so-called COOL law, for country-of-origin labeling, changes.


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I am sure we will be hearing more about this in the months to come as more research is done. Meanwhile I am passing on a bit of an article I read at US News about the (possible?)link. Click this link for the complete article.

Heart Disease, Diabetes Linked to Chemical in Plastics
Research on bisphenol A fuels calls for a ban on the chemical's use in hard plastics and metal cans
By Deborah Kotz
Posted September 16, 2008

"Just one word...plastics," a memorable line from the 1967 movie The Graduate, has taken on a whole new meaning. Then, plastics held all the future's promise. Now, we've come to fear them, in part because of the potential health dangers posed by bisphenol A, a chemical found in hard, clear plastics and most cans containing foods or beverages. The spotlight over the past year has been on rigid plastic baby bottles and plastic-lined cans of infant formula. That's natural, since babies are thought to be most vulnerable to BPA's reproductive health effects; in animal studies, exposure early in life increased long-term risk of uterine fibroids, endometriosis, decreased sperm counts, and breast and prostate cancer.